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Schedule a Disk Image backup Window 10


   To schedule daily, weekly, or any other specific time to run an automated full backup of Windows 10.

It’s still possible to run the System Image Backup tool in Windows 10 automatically, but it involves using Windows PowerShell to create a task in the Task Scheduler which will run at a time you specify. Follow the instructions below to learn more:

Point by point

  • Decide whether you want to run a daily or weekly backup of Windows 8.1. Also make sure you understand that every new backup will overwrite the previous one. So, if the backup fails, you won’t have a recovery copy to fall back to.
  • Connect a external drive with enough free space. Check the properties page of the drive to see how much free sp[ace you have.
  • Launch PowerShell as administrator (this is really important because this operation needs the highest administrative privilege as possible).
  • Type the following command to create a daily full Windows 8.1 backup and press Enter:


SCHTASKS /Create /SC DAILY /TN <TaskName> /RL HIGHEST /ST <Time24HrsFormat> /TR “wbAdmin Start Backup -backupTarget:<TargetDrive>: -include:<WindowsDrive>: -allCritical -quiet”


SCHTASKS /Create /SC DAILY /TN DailyFullBackup /RL HIGHEST /ST 14:06 /TR “wbAdmin Start Backup -backupTarget:F: -include:C: -allCritical -quiet”

Or type the following command to create a full backup of Windows 10 weekly and press Enter:


SCHTASKS /Create /SC WEEKLY /D <DayOfWeek> /TN <TaskName> /RL HIGHEST /ST <Time24HrsFormat> /TR “wbAdmin Start Backup -backupTarget:<TargetDrive>: -include:<WindowsDrive>: -allCritical -quiet”


SCHTASKS /Create /SC WEEKLY /D MON /TN WeeklyFullBackup /RL HIGHEST /ST 13:00 /TR “wbAdmin Start Backup -backupTarget:F: -include:C: -allCritical -quiet”

Finally, if you want to double-check whether or not the task has been fully created. Go to the Start screen, do a search for Task Scheduler, expand the Task Scheduler Library, and on the list from the right, you should be able to see the task. This is also a good place to visit and troubleshoot the task if it isn't running correctly.

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Article ID: 8
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2014-12-03 20:29:57
Views: 732
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (93)

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