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How do I setup a router that's not from TalkTalk?


How do I setup a router that's not from TalkTalk?

If you have a router that isn’t from TalkTalk you'll need to manually enter the Router Connection Settings when setting up the router.

Entering the details will differ from router to router. To find out how to enter the settings on your specific router, you need to visit the manufacturer’s online support pages or consult the manual.

Once you have found out how, you can start entering the details. The details you will need to enter are:

  • Username: this will be your telephone number followed by - for example,
  • Password: enter your broadband password here. Call TakTalk to confirm.
  • VPI: 0
  • VCI: 38
  • MTU: 1432
  • DNS settings: Set as automatic (or similar)
  • Encapsulation: PPP over ATM (PPPoA) using VC-MUX
  • Modulation Type: Auto
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Article ID: 9
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2015-07-16 16:20:01
Views: 713
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (84)

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